Drone Close Up

The 3 Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones

Between blockbuster movies with drones as the villian, privacy questions, and new rules and regulations, The 3 Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones, provides a look into today’s popularity (or the lack thereof) of the new tech.

Drone Close Up
Drone Close Up
Photo: Arun Prakash


In my last article, 12 Reasons You Must Educate Yourself About Drones (2021), I explain, in detail, why drones are currently important and why they are becoming more important in our daily lives. However the general public is only slowly warming up to them or not warming up to them at all. I am writing The 3 Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones in an effort to understand—and maybe get to the bottom, of the resistance.

1. Movies And The “Afraid Of Drones” Factor

Drone Warfare-Angel Has Fallen Drone Attack Scene
Source: Movie Relishers

Unfortunately, the above clip was the introduction of drones to a massive amount of people. If images of drones with sonar and lidar, performing search and rescue missions to save lives and securing the safety of the rescue workers had been shown, public opinion may be different.

Angel Has Fallen grossed $69 million in the United States and Canada, and $78.5 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $147.5 million.” – Wikipedia

Below, we find another example of a movie casting a drone as its villain. Could this be one of The 3 Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones?

“This terrifying, outrageous tale takes flight as a serial killer is struck by lightning while holding his precious drone. Weeks later, the drone shows up at the home of newlywed couple Chris and Rachel. Without them realizing it, the drone films the couple and takes control of their TV, computer, security system, and car. Soon Chris and Rachel fear that the device may be connected to them… and is out for horrific, hovering revenge.” – FilmIsNow Movie Trailers

The Drone
Source: FilmIsNow Movie Trailers

Let’s dissect this trailer for a moment if you don’t mind. Let’s talk about the personification of the red lights that look to be where eyes should go. How did it turn itself on without instruction? What gave it the ability to control the tech in their house? And for the life of me, how did it get into the bedroom and underneath the sheets to trick her into believing it was her husband? I too, would be terrified of a drone if this was the first time I had laid eyes on it in action. Terrified.

The Drone grossed $20,093 worldwide, not as much as Angel Has Fallen, but that equates to hundreds of fresh new eyes, and thus impressions, on drones. As a matter of fact, I scrolled through the comments of this trailer (as I always do) and there I found this comment, “Never buy a drone“, with a couple of people that agreed with him.

Two examples of a few million people (according to the box office results) that saw these films—and maybe a drone in action for the first time. This is definitely a solid argument for The 3 Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones.

2. Privacy, One of The Biggest Reasons We Are Afraid Of Drones

Drone Privacy
Drone Privacy
Photo: Tim Mossholder

According to our survey, 88% of Americans don’t think a neighbor’s drone delivery should be able to capture footage on their property, yet the FAA currently doesn’t have any regulations in place to restrict these actions.” – The Zebra

On the Government Technology website, writers bring to our attention two incidents of questionable drone use in Minnesota. The first one was the action of flying over a protest and the second was “flying drones to detect illegal nudity” at a beach. Some considered this “questionable” and received the following response.

” ‘To help prevent breaches of trust with drone technology, DRONERESPONDERS might point to its fourth principle for responsible drone use: clear oversight and accountability. We really recommend that you periodically audit your program so that you can reinforce that you’re using these principles,’ Werner said. ‘If drones are going to be used, there better be a good reason why they’re being used,’ Guariglia said.” – Jed Pressgrove, Government Technology

Drones are useful. They are useful in many different professions. I do believe that it will take time to decide on the best methods for use for the professions and the public. That brings me to my final topic.

3. Distrust Or Disagreement of Rules/Laws Applied, Another One of Our Biggest Fears Of Drones

Drone Over Snow
Drone Over Snow
Photo: Erik Odiin

As with most rules guiding technology today, rules follow slowly behind technology…sometimes a great deal behind. As a result, we’re all hanging on to each and every piece of news released about drones. I have even been keeping up with the Federal Aviation Administration channel on Youtube lately. They have over 40k subscribers (and climbing). To date, they have 49 videos about drones. You can find the laws, regulations as well as tips, there.

One of the basics, is that you need to register your drone. ” All drones must be registered, except those that weigh 0.55 pounds or less (less than 250 grams) and are flown exclusively under the Exception for Recreational Flyers.” – Federal Aviation Administration.

Photo: Phil Desforges

You also need to earn your Part 107 license. “In order to fly your drone under the FAA’s Small UAS Rule (Part 107), you must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA. This certificate demonstrates that you understand the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures for safely flying drones.” – Federal Aviation Administration.

As I mentioned above and will go into a bit more detail here, there are individuals that have already been accused of misusing this technology. Police in a Minnesota Community used a drone to monitor nudity at a lake beach.

For instance, here is one of the comments. “ ‘It makes you feel uncomfortable to just think like, oh, how often am I being watched? And what kind of authority is going on here,’ said Paula Chesley.”

There is simply no straight answer in most situations like those. Drones are so helpful to professionals that are attempting to do a job, in a more effective way. Citizens also have the right to speak out regarding the impact they may feel. Movie makers have the right to be creative and keep us glued to the screen. Lots of potential—lots of future discussion.


Are you afraid of drones? Why or why not? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

2021 Will Make You Give Drones The Respect They Deserve


From the 2021 Olympic opening show to the bowling alley drone footage that impressed Hollywood, 2021 will make you give drones the respect they deserve.

Drones are a huge part of this new era that we have entered. In my last article, 12 Reasons You Must Educate Yourself About Drones (2021), I explain, in detail, why drones are and are becoming more important in our daily lives. The things that they can accomplish and the things that they can show, are phenomenal. Here, I showcase four awe-inspiring examples.

Respect for Flying Creative Art

Here’s an interesting fact, did you know that the 2018 Winter Olympic drone show set the Genius World record for the most drones flown at the same time at 1200 plus drones? The number in 2021 was over 1800.

2021 Olympic Opening Ceremony
Source: NBC

Like the Olympic Winter games, drones demonstrated a super impressive opening at the 2021 games, as shown above. Twenty years ago—even ten years ago, we could not even fathom what we are witnessing from these flying pieces of technology today.

Olympic Night Scene
Olympic Night Scene
Photo: Ryunosuke Kikuno

Respect for Video

The drone raced from the tree line outside the bowling alley, through the front door, under tables and through the back room where the pins are kept, and repairs are made. One minute, plus, of electrifying movement, dazzled in a place where family fun is usually the primary focus. Watch it below.

Minnesota Bowling Alley Drone Video
Source: The Guardian


Some of the quotes for this fpv (first person view) drone project were:

“This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen,” – Lee Unkrich, director.

“Holy S**t”. – Elijah Wood, actor, Lord of the Rings.

“Stupendous” – James Gunn, director, Guardian of the Galaxy.

“This kind of wonderful photographic innovation adds to the language and vocabulary of cinema, just beautiful”. – Todd Vaziri, digital artist, Transformers.

So now that I have shown you two of drones’ greatest accomplishments of the year, do you think that 2021 is giving drones the respect they deserve?

Bowling alley
Bowling Alley Photo
Photo: Todd Diemer

If not, let’s move on to a couple more examples of footage that will resonate with you nature fans.

Respect for Nature

If sports don’t interest you, maybe this footage of nature will. Feast your eyes on footage that captures robust waterfalls, and coasts over wide rivers laying between mountains while remaining steady and stealth-like.

If you grew up in the country, as I did, some of this footage may seem quite normal. If you had a more urban upbringing and only got to the countryside to visit a grandparent, aunt, uncle or other family member, then you may only see these wonders of nature on vacation or video.

Amazing Nature Video
Source: Free HD Videos

Sacrifice for Education

Volcanoes. Who can get close enough to return ample data to create a 3-D image that will ensure that scientists understand them better than ever before? Not one human; but a drone can. Even if the actual drone is lost in the volcano’s inescapable heat, the footage that they drone pilots get, is recorded in real time.

Volcano Drones
Source: National Geographic

“We were able to take a series of thousands of photographs around the top of the [Marum] crater [in Vanuatu] and then process those using a specialized software to render the first of its kind 3-D model of the volcano from inside.” -Sam Cossman, National Geographic.

Scientists noted that they are able to go back and measure things that could be “done in the moment”. An example of that would be the microbial life that lives the on the sides of the rocks after the volcanic ash has cooled. Drone footage gives them the ability to go back and study everything about microbial life there. They also insist that using this video to pair with other research that is going on in the world surrounding this topic, is how an unbelievable amount of progress will be made in science. Their goal of “Merging worlds of exploration and tech” is precisely how (in my opinion) America became an economic and technological powerhouse. Throughout history, this formula is used over and over again to create, build, license, and sell, etc. We are doing precisely what we have always done before, only now, we are using the newest, innovative vehicle.


Never before have we had these viewpoints. Whether it is an athletic event, a causal afternoon of a popular family sport or insight about nature, we simply have not been getting these frames. This is enough to give drones the respect they deserve in 2021 and beyond.

Which area piques your interest most? Moreover, will you start researching drones for yourself? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

12 Reasons You Must Educate Yourself About Drones (2021)

Drone Over Town
Drone Over Town

According to the Pew Research Center, “average citizens see a revolution coming in the workplace, and they are concerned. The average hourly cost of a manufacturing worker is $49 in Germany and $36 in the U.S. The hourly cost of a robot is $4.” Like robots, humans use drones to perform a different set of actions or tasks. The 12 reasons you must educate yourself about drones gives a wide range of examples.

1.  Amazon Patent (delivery)

Imagine seeing an Amazon or Walmart labeled drone flying through the air, just as often as you see Amazon, FedEx and UPS trucks on the road. We will. More importantly, it will be sooner than we think. “The PrimeAir program remains in development. The company has been filing applications for patents (since 2013) at what appears to be a faster rate than any other company working on drone technology today. “

2. Walmart Patent (delivery)

Walmart is not willing to let Amazon have all of the fun or get a head start this time. They are moving just as quickly, and just as seriously, as Amazon in this revolution.

“Groceries make up 56 percent of the company’s total revenue and Walmart may see drone technology as one way to get food from farms to store shelves faster and more cheaply to compete with Amazon.com Inc, following its purchase of Whole Foods Market. Walmart has applied for 46 patents for using drone technology, mostly to facilitate its delivery and logistics operations, or for use within warehouses to do things such as track inventory, according to data from CB Insights.”

3.  Weddings

The third topic on the list of “The 12 reasons you must educate yourself about drones” may hit close to home. Today’s bride and groom demand a show-stopping wedding. With the assistance of drone photography, we will.

According to experts, outdoor weddings are the best way to go; ” ‘400 feet, which is the maximum height [the law allows],’ says Markham of Celebrations Tampa Bay…’Drones work best at wedding venues with large outdoor areas to capture those grand, sweeping views.’ ”

4.  Military Use

We don’t think of our national security on a daily basis. When others threaten our country, it is nice to know that we are doing everything possible to ensure our own safety.

Importantly, drones are now a part of that effort. “The roadmap envisions a follow-on program calling for a reusable unmanned aircraft with Mach 6 speeds. At that speed, intelligence can be gathered or weapons delivered before enemy air defenses are even alerted.”

5. Agricultural Use

Several articles online are talking about farm to table. It’s a hot topic. The competition will become steeper to get fresher food on the table faster.

“They are playing an increasingly important role in precision farming, helping agriculture professionals lead the way with sustainable farming practices, while also protecting and increasing profitability.”

Aerial view of farming equipment being used

6.  Search and Rescue

They have equipped drones for sonar and lidar now for rescue missions. This technology is a much more efficient and safer practice to use. “We are focused on the first responder community – fire, police, and emergency management departments – and we are assessing small UAS. They are much cheaper than manned aircraft, [and are] an ideal tool for response agencies.” We are halfway through “The 12 reasons you must educate yourself about drones”. In the same vein, drones will help aid communities medical necessities.

7. Humanitarian Drones

I have found in my research that companies usually have a way of performing the tasks that I’ve been talking about, with pretty good efficiency. Drones only serve to make the process better, safer or faster. But not in this case. In Africa, remote and rural communities are going without. Drones are becoming the only way. “We have already used drones as part of our flood response and we can see the potential for further uses, such as transportation of medical supplies, which could transform lives in remote rural communities.”

8.  Journalistic Use

“CNN has received a first-of-its-kind Part 107 waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly a small unmanned aircraft system (UAS) over people.” CNN Air’s Snap drone fulfills the duty of covering natural disasters, war zones, etc. for reporting purposes. I agree that this is an important role. We would not be able to experience and empathize what is happening in our world without this tool.

9.  Real Estate

Drone photography in real estate may be on the greatest incline for the use of drones. People want to see all angles of their potential home because “according to MLS statistics, the properties photographed by drones sold 68% faster.” In addition to plush insides, buyers demand all views.

Real Estate
Aerial Photographic view of house for sale

10.  Film and Movie

Drones have mastered this arena for decades. According to experts, “the global cinematography drone market [will grow] from less than 100 million U.S. dollars in 2020 to over one billion U.S. dollars by 2030.”

I have noticed, and I am sure that you have as well, that movies images are only getting crisper, brighter more “larger than life” than they have been before. As the technology for drones gets better, so will our movie experience.

11.  Drone Taxis

We are almost to the end of our list. Meanwhile, can you see how quickly our airspace is filling? “The market for flying cars, now known as electric air taxis, should continue to mature during this decade, soaring to $1.5 trillion globally by 2040, according to a Morgan Stanley Research study.” Even if you are not the “flying taxi type”, we will all be glancing up to see them, right along with our groceries and personal product packages.

12.  Law Enforcement Use

Our law enforcement is not new to the adoption of drones. As a result, “currently, 347 law enforcement agencies in 43 U.S. states are using UAVs to assist officers in the field.


In conclusion, “the drone services market size is expected to grow to $63.6 billion by 2025, and Insider Intelligence predicts consumer drone shipments will hit 29 million by 2021. Sales of US consumer drones to dealers surpassed $1.25 billion in 2020, according to Statista. Goldman Sachs forecasts the total drone market size to be worth $100 billion—supported by this growing demand for drones from the commercial and government sectors.” This is why “The 12 reasons you must educate yourself about drones” is important. Therefore, general public must not be afraid of the changes that are coming.

In other words, there is no stopping the progress of this new and fast-growing technology. Not only are drones here to stay, they are growing by leaps and bounds.

Which area piques your interest most? Moreover, will you start researching it for yourself? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!